Scientific Methodology
There are various types of research strategies, which are different in the way of collecting and analysing information. Each strategy could be used for different purposes: exploratory, descriptive and explanatory. According to Yin (2003, p.5) there are three conditions that distinguish the research strategies, one of them is the form of research question asked.
Types of questions could be categorized into ‟who?‟, „what?‟, „where?‟, „how?‟, „why?‟ ones. „How‟ and „why‟ questions are more explanatory and most possibly will lead to the use of case studies, histories and experiments as the favourable research strategies (Yin, 2003, p.6). But which one of the three is preferable?
This question could be answered by looking on the other two distinguished conditions. In examining contemporary events, but when the relevant behaviours can’t be manipulated, the case study is preferred (Yin, 2003, p.7). Therefore, for this paper a case study was chosen as the most suitable strategy for analysing the field of interest and finding the competent answers to the stated questions.
Following Yin‟s (2003, p.40) theory of different designs of case study research based on 2*2 matrix (Appendix B), embedded single-case study was decided to be performed. The focus was on one company (Tele2) which represents a typical case among many others, but the study involved two units of analysis: company itself and the corresponding group of respondents, since advertising as the communication tool, requires at least two parties as any communication process.
In order to understand the effectiveness of the advertising message, the feedback is required. Further, it will lead the sender to the assessment of how well the information was understood and accepted and whether the receivers had the need in this information.
The research method for this case study is summarized in the following figure (Figure 2) - conceptual framework.
Figure 2: Conceptual framework for the research (own)
The conceptual framework describes the steps that the authors followed in their research process. Firstly, the theoretical framework was built. The theoretical background was needed as the base for conducting the analysis and correctly interpret the results. To achieve the insights on the advertisements and the consumers‟ behavior in the marketing communication process, the theories consolidating both perspectives were applied and studied carefully.
Further, the company background information, including marketing activities, was collected. The company activities were of the authors‟ interest, since they got the idea of the Tele2 corporate nature, perspectives, ideologies, which helped during the next step in the research. The next step was the interview and survey composition and conduction, relying on the information achieved during the preceding steps.
The interview of the company representative got the insights on the Tele2 ideas, aims, and expectations embodied in the commercials. The survey was expected to show the TV watchers‟ perceptions and attitudes towards the ads, as well as the advertised service-mobile network. The main topic of the interview and the survey was the Tele2 “Frank” TV commercials accompanied with a few general questions concerning marketing communications.
This helped to get the deeper idea of the respondents‟ knowledge and attitudes when it comes to the overall marketing communication activities. Final step was to analyse the received results relying on the theoretical background simultaneously with research findings.
The analysis was performed accordingly to the interview and the survey answers and is described further in the chapter. The authors were aiming to see the link between customers‟ actual perception of the TV commercials and the company’s understanding of these perceptions with the help of theories and models existing on the subject and actual research performed especially for this study.