Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Creative Design Techniques

A clear idea and well-defined strategy are an integral part of creative design. Here is a portion of the vital components of the technique:

Simplicity - Try to keep the layout simple. Large image at the top, title at the bottom, a content section in center, logo, and address at the bottom right.

Balance - To focus on specific points, you need to create inequalities in the design. The main part of creative design is to arrange all the elements including images, blocks, captions, body parts, and images so that they look balanced.

Proportion - The size and color of all graphic elements should be determined by their importance and the environment around the image. For example, the original idea, image, or design should be large, bright, and bold so that it stands out from the rest of the elements (shown in the picture below).

Integration - First find the focal point of the ad where you want people to focus. Once done, highlight the campus and background design and color as the focal point. One thing to always remember is that all of your design elements – visual language and presentation – must come together.

Contrast - Create contrast so that it draws people's attention. For example, an apple in a bunch of mangoes attracts attention.

Continuity - Maintain continuity. Attractive advertising requires page-to-page consistency. It helps people to understand the meaning of different components of advertisement.

Photo Design - Usually a picture attracts people first. Picking a good image and putting it in an ad is another great way to get people's attention (see picture below).

Proximity - Proximity is the most important element in creative design. It forces people to think about the design (advertising). Therefore, it is the job of the brain to build closeness. For example, remember the Marlboro cigarette ad – a combination of old western mythological images, cigarettes, horses, cowboys, and priest images. The ad was an instant hit.

Color Design - Choosing a color is also a very important task. Normally, black and white are annoying, but some ads claim to be black and white only.

Ads that need to be colorful must be carefully designed to maintain consistency and volume. Excessive use of color or excessive brightness distracts people's attention.


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