Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Role Of Media In Advertising

Role Of Media In Advertising

In advertising the term media refers to communication vehicles such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, billboards, direct mail, and the Internet. Advertisers use media to convey commercial messages to their target audiences, and the media depend to different degrees on advertising revenues to cover the cost of their operations. While the media are valued for their informational and entertainment functions, they also provide an important business function as a vehicle for advertising.

The media are usually classified into either mass or niche media. Newspapers, magazines, television and radio are considered mass media because they deliver messages to a widespread, anonymous audience. The wide coverage of the mass media makes them ideal vehicles for advertisers who need to reach a large audience. Advertising media such as cable television and direct mail are often viewed as “niche” media because they reach a narrowly defined audience with unique demographic characteristics or special interests

Television Media Advertising

With rapid growth of information technology and electronic media, television has topped the list among the media of advertising. TV has the most effective impact as it appeals to both eye and the ear. Products can be shown; their uses can be demonstrated and their utilities can be told over television. Just like radio, advertisements are shown in TV during short breaks and there are also sponsored programmed by advertisers. Television, like print, also has a vast audience it caters to, consisting of the social classes mentioned before. The language is another important factor here. It is argued by many that television is the most powerful source of advertising (Grant and O'Connor; 2005, Jasperson and Yun, 2007) and is also the most likely form of media to be remembered and discussed by the public (Ford Hutchinson and Rothwell, 2002,). This is confirmed by a number of studies that show a good response to television advertising, and corresponding commercial spending; a report in the Economist found that “Television remains the most-powerful advertising medium, with a 38% global share of spending on major media in 2004.” (The Economist, 2005). Television accounts for the majority of world advertising expenditure, and is undoubtedly powerful enough to generate a return-on-investment on that expenditure, but the notion of it being the most powerful kind of advertising is only true when certain demographics and contexts are considered.


a) It is most effective as it has an audio-visual impact.

b) With catchy slogans, song and dance sequences, famous personalities exhibiting products, TV advertising has a lasting impact. For example, who can forget Aamir Khan saying Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola or Sachin Tendulkar in Pepsi advertisement.

c) With varieties of channels and programmes advertisers have a lot of choice to select the channel and time to advertise.

d) With regional channels coming up any person even illiterates can watch the advertisements and understood it by seeing and hearing.


a) TV advertisements are usually expensive to prepare as well as to telecast.

b) With almost every manufacturer trying to communicate their message through TV advertising the impact among the viewers is also reducing. Now-a-days people are switching on channels whenever there is a commercial break.

Television advertising may be powerful when appealing to certain demographics, but for certain markets, especially niches, television advertising will not be the most powerful. Consumers nowadays spend a large amount of time watching television, and programming is frequently, and intrusively, interrupted by advertising synchronised across channels to ensure that every viewer gets their message (Ford-Hutchinson and Rothwell, 2002; Moore and Lutz, 2000).The advantages of TV are that it quickly makes contact and has a strong activating effect due to the emotional impact of this electronic medium since people use it for relaxation so commercial breaks are con


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