Sunday, March 10, 2024

Advertisement Copy writing

Advertisement Copy writing

What does come in your mind? Remember, where did you hear these captions?

The first one is “Airtel,” Second belongs to “Ford”.           

Some punchlines are eye-catching and grab attention at the very first time. Why?

It is because of the fascinating words that are used and arranged in a creative way. This chapter discusses the techniques of creative copywriting without creating an issue of copyright.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is the skill of choosing the right words and technique of arranging them smartly to promote business, product, service, idea, or a person. The selection of words and its presentation largely depends upon the media through which it is planned to convey. For example, depending on whether it is a newspaper, magazine, hoarding, radio, television, or internet, the script will vary accordingly.

However, whatever is the type of media, the purpose of copywriting is the same i.e. promotion. Therefore, it should be persuasive enough to be instantly attention grabbing.

Elements of Copywriting

Copywriting has some essential elements required to develop a convincing ad. Following are the significant elements −

●      Heading − Headline gives the first impression and lasts on readers’ mind, therefore, it should be eye-catching. Heading should tell – what it is all about your ad in a very few words, ranging from 3 to 30 words.

●      Body copy − Write body copy in such a way that it seems as the continuity of the heading. Provide details of all the features and benefits that you are claiming for. The language should be promising and trustworthy.

●      Slogans − Think of "The ultimate driving machine" (BMW); “Just do it” (Nike); "Because I'm worth it" (L'OrĂ©al), what comes to your mind? The moment, you hear the slogans, you link it with the respective brand not only because you have heard it many times, but rather it works. A well-written and effective slogan is a trustworthy brand representative. However, your slogan should be small and crispy giving meaning to your brand.

●      Taglines − Taglines are usually used for literary products to reinforce and strengthen the audience's memory of a literary product. For example, “she went in search of answers, and discovered a love she never expected,’ Book Name “Faithful” and Writer - Janet Fox. Thus, tagline tells the gist of the products for marketing purpose. Like, a slogan, it should be small and eye-catching.

●      Jingle Lyrics − More often accompanied with background music, iingle lyric is a short slogan, tune, or verse written to be easily remembered (especially used in advertising). For example, Fanta: "Wanna Fanta, Don’t You Wanna?" It should be small, crisp, and rhythmic (like a song) so that it registers with people at once and they remember it.

●      Scripts (for audio and video ad) −Scripts are the descriptions of an ad that narrates the dialogues, actions, expression, and movements of characters. Since, script is a complete guidelines of an ad; therefore, it should be written meaningfully, orderly, and nicely.

●      Others − (White Paper, Press Release, & other written material such as emails, articles, and blog (for the internet)): These are all promotional write-ups written purposefully to promote a particular product/service. So, while writing white paper, press release, articles, blog, or even an email you need to focus or emphasize ONLY on one product that you want to promote. You need to describe all features and offers of the respective product in simple and plain language.

Art of Copywriting

The basic purpose of an ad is to fascinate people. Only after catching people’s attention, an ad arises interest and desire to buy the product. Therefore, it should be an eye-catching and interesting. Copywriters play a very important in the advertising industry, as they are the ones to choose the right word or phrase to connect with the audience.

Copywriting is the art of creative and persuasive writing


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