Friday, March 1, 2024

Your Brand Is You

Your Brand Is You

Now you are ready to launch your business on the internet. You want to be creditable, you want others to see you as a treasure with endless value. Everyone that receives your newsletter, sales letter or reads your blog is there for value. Your reputation it is your brand and it is fragile.

The Leader: The person with the answers.

What problem can you solve for these people?

Can you put yourself in their shoes?

How can you bring more value to their business?

Your brand is your personality, your brand is you. How the world sees you is your opportunity to show off how much you know about your niche. You are the one with the solutions and that will set you apart from others, you are in the position that you are looking for. Show it off!

Here are some important things you should remember:

Design is not your brand. Yet it can reflect parts of your personality. How you dress up and go out is the image you want the world to see.

Advertising is not your brand it is world's perception of how we present ourselves and the products we want to be seen or heard. How you act when you are out.

Public Relations is not your brand it is getting people to verify that you deliver on what you have promised in a positive way adding credibility to you.

Collateral. Collateral is not your brand. It's function is to add interest and information to those who have decided to check you out.

Concept is not your brand. A great concept can get someone to talk to you as a salesperson or click onto your link. Examples: YouTube to do your blogging, a great sales letter, banner or add. Keeping it simple (takes a licking and...) you got the idea. Good concepts surprise, great concepts hold attention, Effective concepts are very specific, and very simplistic, about what they want to achieve.

So now that you can see your brand is fragile it reminds me of the saying "you can dress um up but you can't take em out." No one will show interest in you if you spam them with ads that are product related, if you want people to be attracted to you and what you have to offer remember this, people do business with the people they like and trust, not with someone who is just posting ads with no value.

As you are branding yourself come up with a design, advertising, public relations that show off your collateral in a winning well formatted concept. My mother always would say if you are hanging out with the wrong crowd it will only get you in trouble, people will see you as a troublemaker even if you are not. As you can see that branding is very important to who you attract to your business. I will only partner with people that deliver on how they brand themselves. If you deliver on your brand it is good decision for me to do business with you it can only make my brand stronger.

Focused on the idea that the new you is ready to deliver, your content for a specific audiences, and then developed campaigns on that concept with personality and style, your style. Put your twist on delivering what your customers (leads) want.

Today we are all trying to get on the fast tract to earning there are no short cuts if you want to be around for a long time and successful while you are here. Dress up and go out into the world as a leader and others will follow you. The greatest compliment is when someone want to be like you. We cannot be that person we look up to, we can emulate the charter that we respect and that we were drawn to.

Top companies work for years to establish a brand, today we can do it in such a short time on the internet. Social media is launching people to high positions and it is your responsibility to deliver on every thing that you promise. Do your homework, know your company and any products that you are backing, you don't want to be with the wrong crowd when it comes to credibility. I back the products that I use or that I believe in. These people have proven to me that they can deliver and they will recommend the people who help them along the way to their success. This gave me the option to work with the best educated minds in the industry.

A recommendation is your ticket on the road to success and more than one is the difference between coach and owning your own jet. You should collect them as your treasures for they are priceless and one of a kind. You are the topic and highly regarded in your niche.

Branding is not as hard as we think, we have already started on the right track just don't forget who you are and be authentic. Stay true to yourself and let your personality shine.

Debra DeHoff marketing blog is where I share my marketing training and the resources to direct you the best training I have found for marketing. So join the fun of following me as I develop my marketing style at


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