Thursday, May 23, 2024

Reach Of Different Advertising Media In India

Reach Of Different Advertising Media In India

The Indian economy is booming and as a result, the various advertising and communication media are also flourishing. The population distribution of India shows that of the 1028.7 million people in the country, 65.4 per cent are literate. Around 29.1 per cent live in urban areas and 70.9 per cent in rural areas. Males form 51.8 per cent of the total population and females, 48.2 per cent. In order to understand media impact in advertising it is reasonable to mention reach of different medias and this section of thesis attempts to do this with reference to India.

Indian Advertising Industry:

Indian Advertising Industry:

The earliest of ads that can be seen, appeared in newspapers, from England around the early 1700s. With a beginning like that, Indian advertising has come a long way in todays fast growing tech savvy world in the 21st century. During this journey, it saw the launch of independent advertising agencies, entrance of multinational companies and beginning of India’s only advertising school, MICA (Mudra Institute of Communications, Ahmedabad). 

Advertising Effectiveness

Advertising Effectiveness

Basically advertising effectiveness depends upon user’s response towards an ad and on their attitude towards advertising. Advertising's effectiveness lies in its capability to help stimulate or maintain sales (Eachambadi 1994; Mantrala, Sinha, and Zoltners 1992; Naik, Mantrala, and Sawyer Sethi 1998; Vidale and Wolfe 1957). Thus, advertising is frequently used as an independent variable in explaining changes in sales (Lilien 1994). In the theoretical literature there are two dominant views of the role of advertising, namely the “information” and the “market power” views.

Emerging Media And Its Impact In Advertising

Advertising through social networking sites

Emergence of Internet has changed the way media is created and consumed. Traditionally media was created by media companies who created the content and were the content owners. The content owners use to ‘broadcast’ this media to the consumers of such content. With internet this equation has undergone a fundamental change, now anyone can create content and share it with others using platforms like Blogging, Social Networks, YouTube etc. There is a term that describes this phenomenon- USG or User Generated Content!

Classification of Advertising

Classification of Advertising

Advertising is the promotion of a company’s products and services though different mediums to increase the sales of the product and services. It works by making the customer aware of the product and by focusing on customer’s need to buy the product. Globally, advertising has become an essential part of the corporate world. Therefore, companies allot a huge part of their revenues to the advertising budget. Advertising also serves to build a brand of the product which goes a long way to make effective sales.


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